• My story


    I’m Logan, an engineer-turned traveler that’s now being driven to entrepreneurship through this passion project. In August of 2022 I packed up my bags and took my savings from my previous life as an engineer to pursue my lifelong goal of backpacking, which was initially planned to be 2-3 months long.


    One and a half years later I had visited 5 continents, 20+ countries and made hundreds of new friends along the way. However, about 3 months into this crazy journey, I realized that I called myself a “solo traveler” but I hadn’t been alone much at all; I had spent all of my time making friends and traveling with these no-longer strangers.


    I wanted to see what it was like to be alone so I went anti-social for a week and I absolutely hated it. I still did all the fun things I was doing before, I still saw amazing new scenes, I still ate delicious new food but none of it felt the same. I realized at this moment that travel is so special to me because of the people I was meeting.


    This newfound realization needed to be memorialized so I bought a pocket-sized journal and invited the other travelers I met to take a page and write whatever they wanted in it. This journal very quickly became my most prized possession (keep in mind that all of my possessions at the time fit into a single backpack). Not only did people love contributing to this collaborative journal, but I also loved jumping into the time capsule and looking back at what these people wrote (or drew). 


    I received so much positive feedback about this little journal that I decided that I needed to share this experience with the world so I set off to make The Cameo Journal into a reality. The rest of my story is the work that I put into this project; from product design to manufacturing & logistics to website development, social media growth, and marketing & sales… 


    Thanks for reading! I really hope that you can experience the joy of The Cameo Journal. If you have any questions or just want to reach out and say hi, please do. 


    Happy Collecting,

    Logan Gross

What's your story?

Have your story written by the characters in it. Carry your Cameo Journal on your adventures and collect handwritten notes from the people you bring and the ones you meet along the way!

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